Why do people make such poor decisions about politics?
Why Wealth Equality Remains Out Of Reach For Black Americans
The typical black family has only 10 cents for every dollar held by the typical white family.
Why Cities Should Stop Playing Amazon’s Game And Quit Offering Companies Tax Incentives
Do taxpayers benefit from providing corporate welfare to lure new companies?
Why Blackface?
The public was shocked by the blackface images of two current Virginia politicians.
What The Health?’ ‘Medicare-For-All’? More? Some?
Congress has officially launched the “Medicare-for-all” debate.
Shutdown’s Economic Impact Is A Forceful Reminder Of Why Government Matters
The shutdown is highlighting the crucial role government plays.
The Trump Administration Wants To Tighten SNAP Work Requirements, Bypassing Congress
Although SNAP is federally funded, the states administer the program.
Why Privatizing The VA Or Other Essential Health Services Is A Bad Idea
Trump administration wants to shift billions of dollars from VA hospitals to private health care providers.
How A Government Shutdown Affects The Economy
The US government has been partially closed since December. 22, 2018.
Privatization Not Good Idea For We, The People
President Trump is said to be preparing to privatize key public services.