Gaps in data damage efforts to understand the nature and scope of violence driven by racial & religious hatred.
Hundreds of Scientists Call for Caution on Anti-Microbial Chemical Use
Two ingredients used in thousands of products to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses linger in the environment and pose a risk to human health.
IRS Alert of New Telephone Scam Involving Bogus Certified Letters
Internal Revenue Service warning of a new phone scam linked to the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System.
Jobs Available for 2017 Census of Agriculture
Census Bureau Jobs Available for 2017 Census of Agriculture.
CLJ Gives Community Outreach Meet & Greet June 9 and June 10 Event Photo Gallery
CLJ Gives Community Outreach Meet & Greet dated June 9 and June 10 photo gallery.
Amazon’s Discounted Monthly Prime Offer for Customers Receiving Government Assistance
Customers participating in government assistance programs get Prime benefits for $5.99 per month.
Data Retrieval Tool for Income-Driven Repayment Plan Application
U.S. Department of Education announces the IRS Data Retrieval Tool is now available for borrowers.
Hygiene Leaves Kids With Loads of Triclosan
Seemingly healthy actions like brushing teeth and washing hands leave kids with increasing levels of a controversial endocrine disrupter.
Water & Nutrition
Drinking enough water every day is important for your health.
CLJ Gives Community Outreach Meet & Greet
Come out and connect with CLJ Gives at our Community Outreach Meet & Greet.