Ways to Combat Cellulite

Cellulite is simply a term for fat deposits under the skin that cause a dimpled appearance and occurs in most postpubescent females. Cellulite typically appears on the abdomen and the thighs. If you don’t like the way it looks, here are ways to combat cellulite.

Exercise and Eat Right

The best way to get rid of cellulite is to reduce the amount of fat you have on your body. The best way to do this is to get regular exercise and to eat a healthy diet. You should try to get in at least 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity every week. You should also add strength training workouts to your routine two or three times a week. Combining cardio workouts with strength training will supercharge your fat loss.

On the diet side, follow these tips to make sure that your diet is a healthy one:

– Do not eat processed foods.

– Load up on the fruits and vegetables.

– Eat as few animal products as possible.

– Make the majority of your diet come from plant sources.

– Avoid sugar as much as possible.

– Make most of the grains you eat whole grains.

Drink Lots of Water

When your body is not hydrated properly, the cellulite you have will appear more pronounced. To prevent this, make sure that you are consistently drinking plenty of water each day. At a minimum, make sure you drink 64 ounces per day.

Also, try to avoid things that dehydrate the body. This includes:

– Caffeine

– Salt

– Alcohol

– Sugary foods and beverages

– Fried Foods

Massage the Cellulite

Massaging the areas where cellulite occurs stimulates circulation and helps to activate the lymphatic system. This will help to remove toxins and reduce inflammation, reducing the appearance of cellulite.